Washington, DC (April 1, 2022) –
KGD/VT Parking Research was published in this Month’s Inform Magazine. The article, entitled ‘Shifting Paradigms in Parking’ discusses the future of parking infrastructure in America.
As ride sharing mobility increases, parking needs are declining in urban areas around the world. Due to the pandemic, mobility has been replaced by communication. This intersection of current global circumstances (due to the pandemic) and transportation industry developments will give rise to a new typology of a transportation system of the future. In anticipation of this paradigm shift, many cities are preparing for this change with policy intervention or by modifying parking requirements for private and public development. Municipalities are recognizing that outdated planning policies make it difficult to build more multi-family homes within urban boundaries, thereby fueling an unprecedented housing shortage that is entirely artificial in origin.
KGD proposes a possible strategy to deal with existing parking structures and how they can be repurposed for the future of mobility to develop a sustainable model of development.