Support us in reaching our $4,000 fundraising goal, by going here to donate:
Today, KGD “Wall-E” wants to personally thank Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (APAH) for their generous contribution to our CANstruction campaign to benefit the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC). Their donation has gotten us closer to getting all the cans we need to build our Wall-E in September at Pentagon City, as sponsored by AIA Northern Virginia.
Remember, each donation of $100 or more, gets our "Wall-E" to dedicate one of the next Food-E entries to you and your company. See the link below to connect with our campaign to make a direct donation. If we exceed our $4,000 campaign goal, then KGD Wall-E will have even more cans to feed those in need and even EVE! #KGDcanstruction #KGDwalle #KGD #KGD2023 #KGDcommunity
Support us in reaching our $4,000 fundraising goal, by going here to donate: